Tofuna Salad

Remarkably like the real thing, without the extra mercury.
I keep tofu in the freezer for this recipe alone.

  • 1 14-oz. package firm tofu, frozen
  • 1 large stalk celery, diced
  • 1 scallion, minced
  • 1/2 c. vegan mayonnaise
  • 2 Tbsp. soy sauce
  • 1 Tbsp. lemon juice
  • 1-2 tsp. kelp powder (optional)

Thaw tofu and squeeze out moisture. Crumble into small pieces (pulsing a few times in a food processor works really well). Add celery and scallion. In a small bowl, mix together mayonnaise, soy sauce, lemon juice and kelp powder, if using. Add to tofu mixture and mix well.


  1. The tofu should be frozen for at least a few days; the longer you freeze it, the chewier the texture.
  2. Fresh lemon juice is better than bottled.
  3. You can use regular mayonnaise, of course, but the recipe won't be vegan.

6 servings

Per serving: 136 calories; 11g protein; 6g fat; 8g carbohydrate; 0mg cholesterol; 426mg sodium; 1g fiber

Source: Vegetarian Times, February 1994

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